مقالات ونصوص متنوعة

نموذج اهداء رسالة ماجستير باللغة الانجليزية

With love, I dedicate the fruits of this scientific effort to:

The soul of my father, may God have mercy on him, who was my support, security and supporter for every progress and success…..
To whom I gave my happiness over her happiness… My dear mother, may God heal and heal her
To those who did not stingy to support me, one day….. my dear husband.
To everyone who cherishes his presence and moral support….. my brothers and sisters
To my colleagues in general and everyone who provided me with advice and guidance
To my dear country, beloved Jordan….

I dedicate this humble work to you, asking God Almighty to make useful knowledge in it that will benefit from it

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نموذج اهداء رسالة ماجستير
بحث جاهز عن العلاج العقلاني العاطفي Rational Emotive Therapy

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